
   Taking all in all, this is a special summer for me. The begining of this summertime was the start of my business project, and I am very serious this time.

    Since I lost my job, some of my friends wanted to help me. Some asked me to send my CV to them and tried to look for good opportunities for me, some asked me to go to their office willing to offer me a position. They are all very nice but what they could offer are only jobs, right?

     I remember, before I left the company I talked with Arthur saying I don’t feel I am on the right path, but what it was exactly I could not picture then. I just felt maybe I can do somethingelse not just being a marketing executive,I knew few years later I might get a manager job and if I am lucky I can try to be a  mkt director which is the perfect path in others’ eyes. Also I believed it was my career goal before so I had been trying very hard to get an interview from Microsoft, BMW, Mars,Mapinfo, IDG,RCG. I fell to dreaming of the good enviroments provided by big company,better networking, more opportunities to travel aroud also. Until I got the walking paper I didn’t realize it was only a job, and no guarantee for keeping my job.

      What I am doing now still be doubted by some of friends. I know it will take a lot of energy and time to wait for the blossoming moment. But it is not a job provided by the others, it is my soul garden where I keep farming in, my thinking , my feeling, my memories of all the time together we have been blessed with , will be ploughed in the garden. It is the most rewarding thing I can do, isn’t it?


Silent Love——《那年夏天,宁静的海》久石让

天空之城 Castle In the Sky——吟唱版(小娟)

Always With Me——口琴曲(久石让)《千与千寻》片尾曲


12/08/2009 21:26 分类: 评论(3) 阅读()


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