情人渡 Shenandoah——大提琴曲(Teresa Perez)

    I love cello very much because I think it is the very instrument describing the subtle feelings.  Another fact is mostly cello  being used to tell a sorrowful story. The cello is not as elegant as violin or piano, but she is the best friend who can accompany you when you feel blue.

    Yesterday Wendy told me she loves mymuzi website a lot. She used very strong words to express her likeness. She said" It's just like a dream, which all of the women keep deep deep inside… I love it! I love it !" I thank her for the encouragement.  Honestly I don't know whether it is the dreamland you are looking for , but I know at least it is mine. Sometimes it even becomes the only comfort for me.

    That feeling… is beyond description.


10/09/2009 17:36 分类: 评论(3) 阅读()

3条回应:“情人渡 Shenandoah——大提琴曲(Teresa Perez)【Oh!That Cello】”

  1. 的确,这样的感觉,不可言说……



  2. 啊,你不知道,有的时候,我还是刻意为之的呀。有的图因为本身很amazing,比如这张,如果缩小了反倒觉得不够大气了。你说呢?或者还是个人的感觉不同吧~ :)

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