Magellan’s Beat 麦哲伦海峡的节拍——吉他曲(Govi)
Again, thanks for Rose’s sharing… very romantic guitar with a familiar start, but I could not remember what it is, anybody could figure it out?
Magellan’s beat, it is the love’s beat.
01/09/2010 08:13 分类: 评论(3) 阅读(
Yanni的夜莺?no…i don’t think so. 不是那个,but which one 一下子又记不得了
A Fine Keturns – karunesh
不是yani吗? 就被flute的前奏迷住了,好像没有别人过竹笛啊,Anyway,实在喜欢这个搭配,谢谢啦~