Stay With Me Till the morning


    只不过,现在开始读一些英文的原著。其实也没有抱着什么学习英语的目的和想法,我总觉得读书不能抱有目的,尤其是当可以自己选择来读什么书的时候,更不要有任何负担。三毛说的“逃学为读书”我是很有感触的。读英文,只是觉得好多英文的行文也好美,比如最近在读的这本《走出非洲》Out of Africa。潘小松在给这本书作序的时候就说到“我喜欢这本书的原因是因为作者优美的文笔,和行文间作者所带的情感。”又说:“我敢打赌,假如没有点怀旧的情绪和对人文精神的关怀;假如你对网络时代的浮躁没有半点抵触,你不会有兴趣读这本书;因为它不以故事情节取胜,没有什么令人刺激的东西。”

    这番话说的是很恰当的。Jose作为我英文的老师,已经陪伴我读完了原版的《简爱》、《牙买加客栈》。通常是这样,我一边读,他一边帮我纠正发音,遇到不懂的单词,我把上下文一念,他就解释我听,或者我自己翻翻字典。一本书,就这么慢慢地行云流水地读完,再换一本。也没有刻意地要记住什么,有些词,读过几次算是脸熟了,有些词,看过几遍仍是它认得我我不认得它,我亦不以为意。但是读到Isak的优美文字,比如“At times, life on the farm was very lonely, and in the stillness of the evenings when the minutes dripped from the clock, life seemed to be dripping out of you with them…”自己也会怔忪片刻,被其所感动,然后吸一口气,说“beautiful”,这时 Jose也会跟上一句“Yes, very well written”所以说,文学的美,其实是共通的。


Down breaks above the neon lights

Soon the day dissolves the night

Warm the sheets caress my emptiness as you leave


Lying here in the afterglow

Tears in spite of all I know

Prize of foolish sin

I can't give in

Can't you see


Though you want to stay

You're gone before the day

I never say those words

How could I

Stay with me till the morning


I've walked the streets alone before

Safe I'm locked behind the door

Strong in my belief

No joy or grief touches me


But when you close your eyes

It's then I realize

There is nothing left to prove

So darling

Stay with me till the morning



15/08/2009 20:26 分类: 评论(2) 阅读()

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