80块钱一堂课 A lesson of 80 yuans
刷好评骗信用我是不做的,但是taobao旺旺群发广告我觉得可以试试的。所以我在网上找了个“代发旺旺广告”,说一万条80块。我和他聊了聊,觉得人还满实在的,讲的也算诚恳,我把钱就给他打过去了,我这个傻瓜用的是“即时到帐”,这个也是他要求的,说不“即时到帐”不给做。我还提供了大概4000个的taobao ID数据。我当时留了个心眼,里面放了几个自己的号。结果发现我自己和小胖一条都没有收到,那自然是他都没有发了。我还去问他怎么回事,其实有什么怎么回事,被骗了呗。

A lesson of 80 yuans
My Taobao shop has been opened for almost 15 days now.
Interestingly, during those 15 days the people I saw there were mainly guys pretending to be advertising agents coming to me and offering to do all kinds of advertisements about my shop.
In fact, I was worrying about that whole question of advertisement and I kept trying to find ways to make my shop known. Obviously, when you want to sell high end products the very first thing you should do is make sure that your target market becomes aware that you exist; right ? But how ?
To my amazement a lot of people came to me and said that they could send messages to thousands of Taobao IDs. I thought that this could be a quick and effective way to enter my market, but as the very careful person you know I am, I decided to select the most reliable agent I could find by myself.
I did a lot of research and eventually I found a man whom I believed was serious and sincere. We began to talk and I felt that he was quite considerate and reliable. So I said to myself – Ok,it is him ! as I sent him 4000 Taobao IDs and paid him 80 yuans to do the job.
I was excited and eager to see the results of my very first advertisement campaign.
I thought that I had around 0.007% chances of getting a feedback from potential customers, which meant that about 28 people would knock on my door and say “Ahh, Yuan, I want to try your tea…”.
After all, this guy seemed quite knowledgeable when he told me that it was much better to spread your advertisement in the morning. By experience, I know that most of my blog followers are coming online from the office to enjoy reading it early in the day because after work they are quite busy around. Hence, I was quite happy to have found such a professional advertiser and I was waiting eagerly for that magical sales moment.
I waited and waited, but I did not get even a single feedback. Nobody came and said hello to me. How come ?
I had put Xiao Pang’s Taobao ID in the list. So I logged on Xiao Pang’s account and I found out that no message was ever left there, which means that this guy was cheating me. He had not sent any message at all. He had fooled me.
I knew clearly that I had been cheated. But, unbelievably, I was so much innocent that I even wanted to get my money back. I acted like a little innocent white rabbit and he definitely acted like a …foxy fox.
Innocent White Rabbit: I checked my Taobao account and I found that you didn’t keep your promise. You cheated me. I want my money back.
Foxy Fox: Hmmmmm Little Girl, do you believe you can get your money back once it is already in my pocket ?
Innocent White Rabbit: What do you mean ? Are you telling me that my money went for nothing ?
Foxy Fox: Sure, and let this be a lesson for you. This is very good for you. You know I am a teacher, my students had to spend 300 yuans for my lessons in the college.
Innocent White Rabbit: How can you do that, you are cheating people even as you are a teacher ?
Foxy Fox: Have you never heard of it ? A cheater with a lot of knowledge can be very powerful. And besides, you also need to educate yourself.
Innocent White Rabbit: Unbelievable… I will post your ID on my blog, thus at the very least letting people know your are a cheater !
Foxy Fox: Don’t do that. I am telling you. Don’t ever try to write anything against me anywhere. You know, I can write something too. After one night you might find all your public informations like your personal name, ID and company name with a mark “Cheater” everywhere. I am much much more professional than you when I am doing that.
Innocent White Rabbit: How can you do that ? People will not believe you because of one single message, it is not because you said I am a cheater that I am a cheater.
Foxy Fox: Girl, you are too pure. You believe that people will try to know whether you are a lier or not ?
If 10 people say that you are a cheater, then you are a cheater whatever you do and try to clean your name from the dirty mark. This is the way societies are.
You know, I still keep talking with you because I feel you are pure and cultural; you are very different from the others. But you must learn and 80 yuans for a lesson is not that expensive, come on.
Innocent White Rabbit (almost speechlessly): How can you say that ? You cheated me and I need to say thank you for that?!
Foxy Fox: Yes, better do that, because I am your teacher…