Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622- I. Allegro —— Martin Fröst
Pachinko 里面有一个小细节让我读了后,心有戚戚焉。
但是在每天中午休息吃饭的时候,他会花30分钟,翻一翻他喜欢的英美文学作品,比如Dickens,Trollope, Goethe的书。
然后有一句话,”…and he remembered who he was inside.”
是的,我觉得生命中真的是需要这样的 moments, and you could remember who you are inside.
“He wanted a wife who’d love him, not just feel indebted to him.”
“My life is nothing. It wouldn’t have any meaning without putting it to good use. “
“I haven’t been to many restaurants myself. This place looks clean, though. My father said that’s important when you eat outside your home.”
“You need to ask the Lord for forgiveness, child, and ask Him for faith and courage as you make your new home in Japan. Be perfect, child. Every Korean must be on his best behavior over there. They think so little of us already. You can not give them any room to think worse of us. One bad Korean ruins it for thousands of others. And one bad Christians everywhere, especially in a nation of unbelievers.”
“A woman should always have somthing put by. Take good care of your husband. Otherwise, another woman will.”
“Ther were many different kinds of Koreans who lived in Ikaino, and they had learned to be wary of the deceitfulness and criminality among them.” 我们新移民刚出来的时候是不是也经常被说要仔细提防中国人,说老乡才会坑老乡。。。
“In the few sort months working as a vendor, she’d given credit to a few custormers and had not been repaid. People were willing to lie about small things and to disregard your interests.”
“The children were merciless.”
“In the end, your belly was your emperor.”
“The boy managed to look unafraid of the tougher children while setting himself apart with a perimeter of quiet privacy that could not be disturbed.”
“Any other parent might’ve been chided by the neighbours for spoiling a daughter, but no one said anything to her crippled father, who marveled at his child’s symmetrical fatures and normal limbs. He took pleasure in just watching her walk, talk, and do simple sums in her head. Now that he was gone, Sunja held on to her father’s warmth and kind words like polished gems. No one should expect praise, and certainly not a woman, but as a little girl, she’d been treasured, nothing less. She’d been her father’s delight. She wanted Noa to know what that was like. “
“She thought of her father, who had never said a cross word to her. He had taught her that chidlren were a delight, that her boys were her delight.”
“Sure, but no fighting. That’s not the only way to be a man. Being man means you know how to control your temper. You have to take care of your family. A good man does that. “
“Just study, learn everything. Fill your mind with knowledge – it’s the only kind of power no one can take away from you.”
“Hansu never told him to study, but rather to learn, and it occurred to Noa that there was a marked difference. “