A Time For Us——小提琴曲

A time for us,someday there will be

When chains are torn by courage born of love that’s free

A time when dreams so long denied can flourish

As we unevil the love we now must hide


A time for us, at last to see

A life worthwhile for you and me

And with our love, through tears and thorns

We will endure as we pass surely through every storm

A time for us

some day there will be a new world

A world of shining hope for you and me


20/09/2009 21:48 分类: 评论(11) 阅读()

11条回应:“A Time for Us——小提琴曲(《罗密欧和朱丽叶》电影主题曲)”

  1. 我第一次听到小提琴与钢琴一起演绎的,美。音乐是没有国界的,似乎中国的民族音乐很少了。

  2. 用勇气打破命运的锁链 生出自由的爱情 哪里那么容易啊 太难了

  3. 音乐真是太美了。有几片花瓣漂落,窗外一抹夕阳,而不是迷雾重重,更好。


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